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the world as I see it



I am often fascinated by the little things I'm surrounded by, I observe them carefully, sometimes I'm also said forgetful by others, people too concerned in all but the wonderful little things around them. Photography is like "drawing by the light" to me, that light which can reflect, filter, mirror, design, create shadows and darkness and fully brightening scapes, all these things driving to such a deep (no matter whether it be a hard or soft one) impact on mind. The whole and its opposite, depending upon if one just knows what to look at and how to do that. Things, objects and people change continuously and deeply, nevertheless a simple click casts the spell again, freezing that precise moment. The image witnesses that time elapses inexorably becoming a memory that does give emotions, whichever positive or negative they be, always arousing strong feelings. It's commonly said there are no ugly subjects but just bad photographers: nothing holds true better than that. Often the most exciting shots are taken in everyday's places, the same where you're actually running day by day, places we usually see without paying any attention to them for several reasons like hast, nowadays stress or any other excuse we want to make at it. Places we don't stop at, places we don't feel. For once in my life I'd wonder people could become aware of the things that commonly surround them, instead of being surprised when someone else points them out by a shot, because each one sees the same thing in his or her very way, and photography is actually intended as being what brings others to know about the way we see those things themselves. In each one of us there is a potential photographer. One can skill up the various techniques at the top, but only you know how you look at things, that's a personal matter that may dramatically vary from person to person, something no teacher can help. So, I believe photography is a way to express one's feelings, just as writing novels or playing dramas. Each one of us may find this way and get going on the path. And, most of all, this is the world.... as I see it......

firma simone  zanoni.png
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